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Member Since 29 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Private

In Topic: oil pressure problems wit 4G63

29 June 2019 - 08:56 PM

hopefully theres someone here that has experience with some thing like this :?
1.when i do an oil change and put on a new filter and oil and then crank to get pressure(i always do this to be safe)the fukin thing wont get pressure! i have tried everything, it just wont suk it up! ive tried crankin taking off the filter and crankin again to release air and everything! the only way i can get oil pressure is if i put 11 litres of oil in and crank it and then it gets pressure, obviously cos its drowned the pump in oil and it has no choice but to get pressure! then dump 6 litres out and then its right till the next time....(incase ur wondering , yes i kept the turbo primed)

2.i have installed an oil pressure guage in the evo but its a cheapo i must say....ive noticed when the car is up to temp, on idle the pressure is very low, like at 0 but then other times it would read 8psi, 2000rpm would vary too it could be 40 psi and another day itll be 20psi :shock: BUT the red oil light on the dash never flashes , its just very irratic ay

ive had the sump off .....replaced the pik up outta a evo9 new gasket on the pick up (with sealer to be safe) also hit out the sump cos it did have a dent in the bottom.....this has me fukd......anyone have any thoughts????

ps.sorted out the tune after the dyno day and it pulled 222.3 on springys dyno :wink:

Could you fix it ? I have the same issue , when the engine heats up, the pressure is 0 psi for 800 RPM. I have a a mitsubishi RVR sport gear x3 engine 4g63.