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Member Since 12 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active May 18 2018 06:49 AM

In Topic: adelia coupling disassembled

28 April 2018 - 08:58 AM

Cheers Jack be Nimble!

In Topic: adelia coupling disassembled

27 April 2018 - 06:14 AM

Seriously is there no one that knows anything about these things they seem to be the ultimate upgrade to good old evo 1-3 and VCUs are getting scarce in good condition.  Ive got a heap of old gear am keen to keep it going and this seems like the answer but its dead in the water. dang nam it

In Topic: adelia coupling disassembled

23 April 2018 - 05:26 AM


In Topic: adelia coupling disassembled

22 April 2018 - 01:09 AM

Unless! I have a variation that is effectively a 2-way, by using a 'top' friction disc with tabs on the inside?

Can anyone confirm that their 'top' friction disc (the one closest to torx screws and top plate) has tabs?  

If it DIDNT have tabs then it could turn the ball bearing plate 'wedge' and it would definitely squish the cone washer and press the clutch tight together.

In my one to be clear;

- Both friction discs have internal tabs, so the top one is UNABLE to turn by input from the rotation of the bottom disc that is turned from the larger spline.

In Topic: adelia coupling disassembled

22 April 2018 - 01:03 AM

Thanks for that, Well I just can't see how this thing works.  I'm sure you'd understand if you saw one in pieces and I can understand your reasoning behind having the thing lock in one direction only, but I just can't see how this thing works??  For example.  The whole body is fixed, the ball bearing carrier which is also the end plate with the torx screws in it, and the rest of it.  Internally attached to the end cover is the spline with the smaller diameter which has notches for the 'top' friction disk. THERE IS NO WAY for the 'top' friction disk to move in relation to the ball bearing wedge plate.  The movement is done ONLY by the 'bottom' friction plate which is turned by the larger diameter spline from the other half of the centre diff.

Unless of course I am missing a critical piece that somehow engages against the side of the body to turn the ball bearing wedge.  Other than that in mine, the ball bearing wedge, 'top' friction plate and 'top' cover are all unable to turn in relation to each other.  

I am definitely missing a washer according to diagram but unless this engages against the side of the body to turn the ball bearing wedge I just cant see how this operates to freewheel.

I openly admit that I may be missing something but am keen to hear about what that something is??