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Member Since 28 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2022 03:18 AM

rear diff ratio?

08 December 2017 - 07:31 AM

Ok I have been looking for a straight answer to this for hours but everything I am finding people fight if its 3.545 or 3.909. So I will cut it to the chase,


my car is a EVO 1 GSR, my rear diff decided to pile up the other day and being in Canada parts are scarce. However if my diff is a 3.545 then its no big deal as a 2g manual dsm is also a 3.545 and there are tons of those here. I am aware that there are lots of threads stating its a 3.909 but there are just as many saying its a 3.545 so I am just trying to cover my bases before I go and buy a part that I can not use and may do more damage then there already is. Thanks for the help guys



Evo 1 stock boost/fuel cut

09 November 2017 - 08:20 PM

I am curious as to where the stock ecu cuts fuel when raising boost pressure. I have a fully built motor and all supporting mods minus injectors ( I have 1000cc injector dynamics sitting waiting for my bigger turbo to be put on ) and wanted to run the car at 1 bar of boost like I do with my dsms but it seems I am only able to maybe get 10 ish psi before I am having troubles. I'm kinda surprised by this as my dsms can pull higher boost on their stock ecu and smaller maf and injectors so I'm a bit shocked that this car is already hitting that wall. Hoping I am just having a spark related issue like blow out.

What Fog lights are these?

30 October 2017 - 07:14 PM

I found a cool set of fog lights for sale but I'm not sure if they are for a Evo 1-2 bumper or a 3. Have any of you guys seen these before?

roof lid part number

23 October 2017 - 03:32 AM

Hey guys, so my roof sadly is starting to rust and I would like to get it repaired properly. I am however running into an issue where information is misleading online. I need to know the correct part number for a roof lid with a sun roof.


the two part numbers I am finding are,








obviously one will be for sun roof cars and the other for non sun roof cars but I cant seem to figure out which is which.


thanks for your help guys appreciate it!

Evo 4 shifter assembly in Evo 1-3?

29 August 2017 - 12:55 PM

I have seen this done before, does anyone have a breakdown of what all is needed and what needs to be modified? My shifter assembly is just way to sloppy and even after redoing all the bushings it still feels like it's in neutral in every gear. This makes it incredibly hard to find a gear when going for spirited drives.