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Member Since 10 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 15 2022 09:21 AM

In Topic: jumbuck rear disc conversion

03 May 2022 - 09:28 AM

cheers Jack.. i had anticipated that there'd be some customisation required.
i was thinking GTI rear discs may have been the way to go

In Topic: rvr back from a "blackhole"

15 September 2021 - 05:40 AM

nevermind..i assume i'm after a uf nimbus rear bumper? anyone got one they can sell to me? cheers!

In Topic: rvr back from a "blackhole"

15 September 2021 - 02:33 AM

next question: apologies in advance if this has been answered elsewhere.. which model of nimbus should i be looking at to source a rear bar from to be gone with the spare wheel carrier??? cheers!

In Topic: rvr back from a "blackhole"

21 August 2021 - 12:00 PM

this a decent option : Evo 7 ECU with Ecutek licence | Engine, Engine Parts & Transmission | Gumtree Australia Adelaide City - Adelaide CBD | 1254849998 ?

In Topic: rvr back from a "blackhole"

21 August 2021 - 08:04 AM

thanks for the insights--->i'd be more than happy to give you the rvr to play with....and to work your magic with...this covid BS kinda screws that idea