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Member Since 02 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2017 10:15 AM

RVR fuel pump relay

07 April 2013 - 04:19 AM


anyone know where's the fuel pump relay (97 RVR hsg)?

Turned on the car today and it turned on fine, while waiting for it to heat up it just stopped, when I tried to started it again it wouldn't start, it cranks but won't start.

Also I can't hear the fuel pump anymore (replaced the fuel pump not long ago with a walbro 255).


oil / transmission cooler

08 September 2012 - 12:03 PM

Hi, just wondering how can I add an oil cooler or a transmission cooler.

What needs to be done.

Thanks =]

RVR after market seats

13 July 2012 - 09:48 AM

Hi, so I got 2 SAAS seats but as you guys know that they won't fit in the RVR .

So can I get rails or do I have to custom make them?

Got these http://www.superchea...516#Description

Thanks =]

Gearbox or Clutch

01 July 2012 - 08:05 AM

Hi, so have been working on my rvr since the day I got it and going well so far.
Now got a problem when changing gears, specially in 3rd.
It's not really a crunch but I can feel it when changing, only when going up in gears (1st, 2nd, 3rd).
That doesn't happen when the car is cold.

So is the gearbox on its way out, if not (hopefully) then what can I do?
Change the oil?
Also should I add a gearbox oil cooler? if so does anyone have a cheap one?

Thanks alot guys

Evo 8 turbo

25 June 2012 - 05:00 AM

Hi, would I notice any power difference if I swap my stock turbo (97RVR hsg) with a TD05HR off an evo 8?
3" all the way exhaust, 3" intake, new ecu in couple of days (QIK-427's ecu).

Thanks a lot guys......