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Member Since 05 May 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2022 06:10 AM

Need some GSR Struts & Springs

26 September 2012 - 07:37 AM

Hi all,
As the title says,
I am chasing some front and rear units for a CC GSR. Cops not happy with the coil overs :(
Has anybody got a set in Perth they could sell or rent me.


Correct Fitting of Rear bumper skirts

19 September 2012 - 02:37 PM

Hi does anyone have a picture of how the rear bumper skirts are supposed to fit on to the rear bumper.
I have just replaced the old bumper and want to refit the skirts.
But first they need a little repair prior to painting.

I just need a pic showing where they are suppose to go so I can fill and sand them a bit so they fit nice.


Oil Leak from Exhaust manifold on the 4G93T

13 September 2012 - 04:25 PM

The Lancer is just about ready for rego, The plan had been to get it rego this week, but a run down the freeway showed up a few problems .
Hopefully this oil leak will be the end of it or the end of me!

The engine has been good, except for one oil leak. When I look up underneath the exhaust manifold I noticed some oil collecting along the exhaust studs.

I thought that it was the new rocker gover gasket not sealing , but this was not the case.
Then i checked the oil feed from the head OK
The oil feed at the turbo end all OK.

Worried that it could be leaking between the head and block, but the radiators alright and I doubt it would leak via headgasket and not show up in other ways.

Could it be from the exhaust ports? They dont seem oliy and surely if valve stem seals were stuffed it wouldnt leak enough to seep out through the manifold gasket.

I tried tightening the the manifold studs but this didnt help , I suspect the metal gasket is stuffed, I will replace it regardless.

Do the manifold studs pass into the oil galleries in the head? no these studs need some sealent?
i am guessing here,

I think that I wil ljushat its just change the gasket and hope that at any oil just leaks into the exhaust.
Pics might help so here are a few.

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Replacing a front wheel bearing on a GSR

10 September 2012 - 11:59 PM

HI all,
Driving the car around the block on the weekend showed up some noises that I hadnt noticed whilst just going up and down the drive.

I had a nasting noise from the front right that appears to be the wheel bearing.
I now have the knuckle off and swapping the bearing seems rather involved.

Does anyone have a front right knuckle with a good bearing in it for a 95 GSR?

I am being a bit slack but looking for a quick solution.


Where does this bracket go??

03 September 2012 - 12:12 PM

Hi all , Pulled this part of the 4g93 and now cant figure out where it fits!
I know it holds the plug leads but cant seem to figure it out!!
can some one help please.

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