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Member Since 30 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2019 06:41 AM

In Topic: Evo 3 to 7 MAF

08 April 2019 - 04:25 AM

I think you would need to find a pinout diagram for each and go from there?
I wouldn't rely on just swapping them straight over


Understood, thanks  :thumbsup:


BTW this upgrade is being done in conjunction with 560cc injectors and Evo 7 ECU, which I know has been done to death, but I'm slowly trying to work through this upgrade myself!


So far this is what I've compiled from these and other links, and after a bit more digging I might have found the missing 'Link' and answered my own question??





I've used information from these documents to possibly confirm the straight conversion?

https://linkecu.com/...ation/EVO3 .pdf

https://linkecu.com/...ation/EVO8 .pdf



2G TURBO MAF (Evo 1-3?)

1 5V Power supply 
2 - Barometric pressure 
3 Air flow sensor 
4 MPI control relay    (EvoLink shows +12V)
5 Ground 
6 Intake air temperature 
7 Volume Air Flow


Evo 4-8 AFM


1 - +5V

2 - Baro

3 - AFM Signal

4 - +14V           (some show +12V)

5 - Sensor Ground

6 - Ambient Temp


Hopefully this information will help others doing the same conversion, but please let me know if I have missed anything here?


Thanks again.

In Topic: Enkei Tarmac WRC Paint Code

03 October 2018 - 12:04 AM

Did anyone get the paint code? Also any recommendations on paint shops in Perth who will will do a good job on wheels?

In Topic: 2L - Turbo choices?

28 September 2018 - 02:27 AM

Thanks guys. Appreciate the feedback!


Hi EvoOne, which turbo did you go with?

In Topic: Evo1-3 RS wheels?

28 September 2018 - 02:20 AM

Awesome! Still have them?


True! I remember seeing new VS "cop" spec Commodores sitting on the lots at my local dealer


I sold the car along with the RS rims to a mate, its been collecting dust in his garage since he bought it off me 10 years ago! :-( 

In Topic: Evo1-3 RS wheels?

28 September 2018 - 12:51 AM

Thanks Clutz. Would love to see someone with a "factory fresh" RS including steelies. Would be one rare beast.


Hi EvoOne, I stumbled across this old post but I had a set of OEM RS 15" steelies on my Evo 1 back in the day which I used mainly for training days. I think I picked them up from Ralliart Perth back in the 90's. We used to call them 'pursuit rims' because they looked similar to rims on police pursuit vehicles here in WA.