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Member Since 28 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2012 11:06 PM

Multi Axle Dog Trailer to tow behind car

14 September 2012 - 12:58 AM

hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone knew any tra iler manufacturers that could build me a multi axle dog trailer to tow behind my ute??

basically, from front to back you will have hitch, a-frame, dolly, front 2 axles, in the middle of the deck behind the dolly swing you will have a toolbox on the off-road side and the on road side will have a bracket where I can slot my gates for the trailer. the two lazy axles at the back will just sit.

also I would like ramps that slide in under the deck, and around 8 tiedown rings in the deck, with a full ckmbing rail around the deck.

what do people think??

Parts from USA

18 August 2012 - 12:37 PM

hey guys,

been looking at parts for 4g63, as well as strut braces and such on amazon, filtering for free postage and international shipping I get a fair few hits.

has anyone got advice on buying us of a parts??

Parts from USA

18 August 2012 - 12:36 PM

hey guys,

been looking at parts for 4g63, as well as strut braces and such on amazon, filtering for free postage and international shipping I get a fair few hits.

has anyone got advice on buying us of a parts??

Carrying a Lawbook

01 August 2012 - 09:40 PM

Hey guys,

Just out of curiosity, as a few of us in the B'n'S and Ute Scene are starting to do this, what with the new hoon laws, the governments promise to have more traffic police to stamp out hooning, and as a result, more police being put through the Highway Patrol courses with less background knowledge on relevant Vehicle Modification Law and ADR's. Which, incidentally, is something not gone into in enough depth in the course.

One thing I know from dealings with Police, is that, quite often, they only really need to know the CURRENT law and the CURRENT ADR's. As we all know, ADR's change, roadworthiness laws change, so an older car (And remember, some of us in the Ute scene drive cars that can be up to Early 70's, hell, even late 60's) so the ADR's and laws have changed since then.

Also, when you look at it, a lot of you guys are driving cars that are pre-1990, so again, we're looking at a car that is approaching 30 years old.

Plus throw in modifications....

You then have a car that, whilst compliant with it's builds, it's own relevant ADR's, and it's Roadworthiness of it's day, will not pass a "straight out of the school" police officers "inspection" (Some of these are less inspections and more slander and trying to slam you for apparant breaches of supposed laws)

Anyways onto where I was going with this, a lot of us have started printing off the relevant design and manufacture regulations pertinent to our vehicles, any special addenda to the laws that apply to our model (if any) as well as the relevant regulations (or lack thereof) of laws that relate to our vehicles, example:
  • The exhaust stacks on my utility:
  • Are shielded from being touched by someone
  • Discharge the exhause more than 300mm rearwards of the most rearward opening to the passenger compartment
  • Meet noise regs (At least with the 4G15 they did...)
  • Are fully sealed and do not leak exhaust before the discharge point
  • etc, etc
And what I mean above my "An lack thereof" is that I have had officers wuote "Under X section of law, under the section of Y where it regards to the Z components, you canot have PQR done to the vehicle"

What this meant for me was a fine for breaches, a yellow sticker, and points off my licence for driving an unroadworthy vehicle, which this police officer also classed as dangerous driving.

A quick duck home and onto the relevant road laws site, showed that the piece of law he was quoting...wait for it....DID NOT EXIST! Under the section he directed me to (And wrote on my fine) it said absolutely NOTHING about the component in question. A quick run into VicRoads the next day with a printout, a fine, and a talk to an inspections officer had the defect off and the fine torn up.

However, this then led to me missing work in order to make the run into VicRoads, and also, I still had to pay a fee to the inspections officer to have a look to make sure I was right (They obviously can't just take my word for it, but $35 is cheaper than the over $400 of fines and god knows what in inspections at the police approved defect station (One single Mechanic in the Wodonga area according to the Senior Sergeant at Wodonga Station) as well as costs of repairs)

After this little experience, the Inspections officer gave me this little pearl of advice, that I should print out relevant regulations, buy myself an A4 Ringbinder Folder from Woolies with a heap of plastic sleeves, and mark every relevant modification and the law pertaining to as a section. He also said, for the sake of neatness sake, even if one piece of law covers more than one modification, make a seperate section for each mod and print the law out twice.

Since then, when being pulled over, Police will sometimes go on the offensive, which can be harder to deal with, but the good ones will ask "What's the go with this...?" and you can pull out your folder, flick to the law, and show them in writing.

Another thing I carry is a tape measure, and a rolly wheel on a stick that the officer can measure (And if he gets his out mine is normally 15-20mm bigger than the police one) for my clearance and measurements to make sure I am compliant with ADR's and laws. Every police officer I have ever had to do this with has been impressed that I have done my research, checked the laws, and can state my case in a clear and calm voice. Which, at the end of the day, makes their jobs easier, makes my life easier, and everyone goes home at the end of the day happy.

Strangely, that police officer that defected me never had any action taken in regards to retraining...so he's still out there guys...

So, do any of you guys carry around a lawbook, or think you may start after reading this?

Idler Stepper Motor Wiring

31 July 2012 - 10:45 PM

Hey guys,

Can anyone give me the pinouts for the Idler Stepper Motor to send to the Auto Sparky so he can do up the wiring to the Aftermarket ECU that I'm getting installed??

Cheers dudes.