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Member Since 27 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2019 07:21 AM

#304354 Jambo 2014

Posted by Trippy on 16 July 2014 - 12:58 AM

yep sure will be I will have my new motors ready, going for 6's

#303223 Wind up window regs an door cards for cc

Posted by Trippy on 23 June 2014 - 11:47 PM

fkn pussy Lexon Dan, Race car Race car Race car

#299832 METH FWD Lives again!!

Posted by Trippy on 09 May 2014 - 12:45 AM

I don't remember trying to sell it to anyone as we where planning to bring it back out, it was in storage at my parents property for the last 3 years.


Cant wait to see it going at the track Rob, sign me up as a pit bitch too. you need to beat a 9.8 @154MPH which with the auto you will do it easy.


The biggest problem we had was drive shafts snapping which the auto will make a huge difference to this.


I still laugh every time I think about how me and Rob changed drag cars lol.


I will call you Rob as I need another wheel alignment for my IX as I have all the RaceFab parts in now mate.

  • ted likes this

#285410 cracked block

Posted by Trippy on 25 September 2013 - 05:12 AM

To me he should not be asking a Forum about this, to get to this stage he should be able to work it out from trial an error you dont see me asking questions like this, I dont really belive it until i see photos. As anybody building a 1000hp 4G63 motor will have done the research as well as the drive line. I am building a 1000hp Street Evo IX and it is very intense build. you dont just stumble on a 1000hp setup.

#285055 "Official" 4GTuner Members 1/4 Mile list. *Updated 19 sept 2013*

Posted by Trippy on 19 September 2013 - 04:55 AM

well at least is was a genuine yellow plate Evo when it started lol.

#269497 FS: Genuine 10 sec 95 GSR

Posted by Trippy on 11 January 2013 - 12:12 AM

DicK u will regret it.

#249834 SOLD: FIC 1450cc Bluemax injectors

Posted by Trippy on 03 February 2012 - 06:33 AM

sure did already started work on it also getting the coupe back into action just more tame no more 700atw :( but the ix is going E85 im just about finished a twin intank walbro 400 double pumper it will be good for 1000hp on e85 in my ix :o world first i hear.

#241192 Genuine yellow plate EVO III

Posted by Trippy on 18 September 2011 - 04:02 AM

What you havent even raced it, by the way there 800cc sard injectors

#240033 Cusco 1 way LSD

Posted by Trippy on 31 August 2011 - 12:51 AM

With the Cusco LSD can I run my non LSD front drive shafts?

Yes you can i got my last 2 out of Japan 1 1/2 way for $800.00 New

#239856 Autronic evo 4 smc in evo 1

Posted by Trippy on 28 August 2011 - 09:54 AM

I went through the same shit with my drag car, it had run for a total of 30hrs and had been sent back 4 times we had enough and through it in the bin and installed a Haltech Sport 2000.
We are still using the Autronic CDI and are having problems with that so to the bin that will go and M & W CDI instead. Autronic needs to update there shit Haltec is awsome im putting the same one in my 9 go the 2 step. we made more power on less boost with Haltec as well.

#239718 Parts For Sale

Posted by Trippy on 25 August 2011 - 07:04 AM

item 7 coupe or evo 9. have a mate with a later model evo if it'll fit any other models (he may be iterested)

Sorry for a 7-9

#239715 Parts For Sale

Posted by Trippy on 25 August 2011 - 06:48 AM

Up for sale is stuff i dont need any more from my Evo 9 and Drag car.

1: Walbro 255Lt intank pump used $80.00

2: Bosh 044 external pump with mounting bracket brand new in the box $180.00 SOLD

3: Evo 9 full 6 speed conversion $800.00

4: CC coupe rear disc brake upgrade $250.00

5: Evo 9 cams, springs, pistons, rods $50.00

6: Evo 9 full 3" mandrel bent exhaust $500.00

7: Under Body H brace after market $90.00

8: Evo 9 Plenium / throttle body $150.00

9: FP Black 86mm silicone intake pipe brand new $100.00

10: Evo 9 Fly wheel $70.00

More to come soon :D

#236524 Evo 4 - 9 Speed sensor swithch

Posted by Trippy on 09 July 2011 - 02:57 PM

Hi need a 5 speed electric speed sensor with 3 pin plug from a evo 4 - 9 Thanks.

#226952 Apexi AVCR

Posted by Trippy on 17 March 2011 - 11:25 AM

Both new, never used - HKS adjustable cam gears with timing and balancer belt $500
- Apexi AVCR electronic boost controller limited edition black $500

No offers! Pm or 0406776370 Gold Coast

Text Sent


Posted by Trippy on 21 November 2010 - 10:02 AM
