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Member Since 02 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2014 12:16 PM

#227592 Fwd 4G93T quarter mile record?

Posted by boost_lover on 27 March 2011 - 09:45 AM

Ted, dont worry. You can make fwd work. Not really done in oz.

Ppl that claim to know drag racing fwd, dont know the true potential. Sounds like you like a challenge. Go for it son..

Lets face it, no one in oz has really pushed fwd mitsu bar one.

Its good that there is more than one.
  • ted likes this

#206911 The EVOROLLA

Posted by boost_lover on 29 July 2010 - 10:32 AM

loving this build. awesome rwd streeter :)

#192557 Powercruise

Posted by boost_lover on 31 March 2010 - 10:21 AM

i think anyone would assume a satria is lighter than a gsr as its half the size:rolleyes:

why dont you just tell us what your car weighs??? im sure its been weighed by now seeing as its a pro drag car now...

i cant recall any evo or gsr with under 300kw that has run a 10sec pass take terbulent for example, he has 360awkw 440hp and ran a 11.1sec pass. there must be something in your setup helping you, obviously a auto is heavier but the benefits you get from instant shifting are unbeatable by any manual.. also your suspension and tyre setup is pure drag

also how come it only made 240kw? didnt you have a 35r and other work done??

Looks can be deceiving lol. They are heavy little cars. my car did weigh over 1.25 tonne when i did 10.4 and my car is far from being a pro drag car lol. Pro drag car is the tube chassis cars.

The following is the setups i had.

200kw atw with 22g 11.8@112mph. Stock as a rock. EVO00X has photos of what my car looked like. Stock falken tyres, with cheap coilovers. I was driving it on the road still.

Then i added a shot of nitrous 30hp. This was because i was offered the system cheap at the time. This gave me 240kw atw and 10.9@125mph Stock falken tyres, with cheap coilovers. I was driving it on the road still.

I changed the turbo cos it ran out of puff, and slapped on a 35r, stock 35r, not modified. With only 20psi and 30hp shot. This gave me 10.4@137mph Stock falken tyres, with cheap coilovers. Last pass i did with stock falken tyres cos it skated on the track when i hit 3rd gear. Ask Bronwyn aka MISGSR, she was part of my pit crew. I was driving it on the road still.

And recently with the auto, and more psi up to 26psi (i have to check) and a little more nitrous 10.08@140mph, with Mickey Thompson radials(street based tyres). No longer on the road. Still with the cheap coilovers with upgraded springs (muffler was hitting the ground on launch)

No secret power addition. Ask Frankie, Rob, and anyone will tell you what i have just said. Do a search on the forums if you dont believe me lol.

I put it down to practice. I have been racing for 5 years.

Its all a matter of getting it all working in harmony, when launching and shifting.:thumbsup:

My dyno run is on youtube. Frankie taped it and Rob did the editing as a surprise (thanks again guys, and Rob, where is my copy lol) Type in EVLJOE on youtube :)