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Member Since 05 Jul 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2022 03:16 AM

OEM CD5A and CE9A spring specifications

19 June 2019 - 07:59 AM

Hey Guys,


I'm trying to find the specs of the OEM springs for both Lancer GSR 1.8 (CD5A) and for Evo I, II & III (CD9A/CE9A).


In other words the rate (kg/mm, etc.) plus the length/height.


CAPS/ASA suggests that there is different part numbers for all variants, depending on when it was built, so hard to nail down exact figures.


I'm sure I saw them a few years ago, but can't find anything now.

kg/mm springs and shocks for CD9A/CE9A

21 April 2019 - 09:22 AM

Hey Fella's - I have some early Evo springs and shocks for sale:


Item: kg/mm Springs and shocks for CD9A/CE9A - Evo 1, 2, 3.

Item Condition: Used. Shocks aren’t leaking, but have seen plenty of use.

Price: $300 - negotiable.

Extra Info: Springs look very low to me, but haven't seen them on a car. Made in Japan. Shocks are certainly not new, but aren’t leaking. I imported them from Japan 2nd hand and went back to OEM stuff instead.

Location: Brisbane

Preferred Contact Method: PM me for details, but the photos tell the story. 

Handbrake button replacement

30 March 2019 - 12:01 AM

Yes, tackling the big issues today...


Does anyone know how to remove the handbrake button? There's no part number for it, so I'm assuming it wasn't designed to be removed easily, or at all.


I'm looking at replacing it without having to buy a whole new lever.