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Member Since 04 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2023 11:40 AM

Inconsistent Battery Voltage

15 December 2015 - 09:34 PM

double up post. please delete

Inconsistent Battery Voltage

15 December 2015 - 09:34 PM

I've been googling on this through mainly the DSM forums. The issue is I'm getting low voltage not consistently. The alternator will charge a bit after its been revved after 3k, I believe that when the alternator gets excite and charges and eventually drop down till revved up.



On a good day on warmed idle 13.5-13.1v, with the fans on it will drop down to 12.9-12.7v


Bad day will be 12.9-12.7v and as low as 12.5-12.1v with fans.


WOT highest is 12.9v worse I've gotten is 11.1v


Car off battery is 12.9v 


I have a few gauges on the dash - battery, oil pressure, boost, boost controller and wideband directly connected to ignition. 



I've changed the alternator twice so far. Added more grounds to bare metal from gearbox to chassis, alternator to block and chassis, block to chassis, inlet manifold to chassis. Added another positive from alternator to fuse box. Battery is in the boot as well with a 2 grounds to chassis. 



I got the battery checked at Battery world where I purchased it. Battery World closer to work say it's on its way out, putting out 330cca instead of 450cca, and will have trouble holding charge. Another location says its good near my home where I originally bought it. This is a 3 year battery.



Question I really got is to determine whether its the battery or alternator. Both item are expensive and really don't want to purchase both. I leaning towards battery but I don't want be wrong and have a new battery. I'm hoping it's not the alternator because it's a mission to remove it. Other theory is the alternator is oveheating having a 3" dumpipe few inches away from it. 

Vr4 Alternator

15 November 2015 - 10:08 AM

Chasing a working vr4 alternator or one that will fit on 1g 4g63t motor. 

vr4/evo hubs interchangeable with cb lancer?

04 May 2015 - 07:28 AM

These are off my cb lancer GSR. I wanted to know if anyone could tell me if a vr4/evo would be the same? or even measurements so I can compare.




WtB: Cb Lancer Hubs

01 May 2015 - 05:00 AM

I'm chasing a pair of hubs in good nick. One of mine are cracked and the wheel bearings have wore both them making the new bearings loose
Will need to be GSR model.