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Any ideas or is it normal?

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I took my car for a test drive today and when I decided to give it a bit of gas it went back from 4th to 3rd which is normal but at 4500rpm it slipped big time. Maybe 2 seconds then it started to grab again. Checked fluid level, just right, i'm wondering if its normal or I need to adjust either the kick down band or the line pressure in the valve body. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. 


Would it be better to be in overdrive then go hard so it goes back to 4th instead of 3rd? 



    Gday maaaate

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Sounds fairly standard.
Go get your tcu remapped. It'll make a world of a difference. Contact Aldo and he can sort you out.

These transmissions really need short shift durations and higher pressure shifts to feel right.

The fact that they try and keep em smooth doesn't work with what we want (performance).

The kick down to 3rd is OK. Just needs to grab faster that's all.

4th is known as the weak link. Hence the reason to kick down.



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Thanks Baz, sounds like a plan! It does have a shift kit in it but I reckon they're a con anyway at least it's on the road again 😂



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Isnt Vr401 the tcu remapper?
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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