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Baro code 25

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My v3 can't lock my baro ecu config is set for speed density http://cloud.tapatal...0815_184529.jpg

Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk



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And? Bit more info might be helpful
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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Okay I'm trying to figure out why I keep getting a DTC for my barometric pressure when my ecu is config for SD. I'm logging my baro and it is 0.5 hg.

Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk



    ECMTuning, Inc.

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A datalog is FAR more useful than a screenshot.  The engine doesn't even have to be running in this particular case, although that would certainly help as well.  


From the datalog I could quickly view your other settings as well to see what might be off.  I suspect you have not configured the MAP input pin on the ECU Config->Input Pins tab and so the ECU is not *really* in SD mode yet.  You can tell if it's really in SD mode by looking at your SD VE tab and confirming that the two "links" (Edit MAP input pin and the Edit MAF Comp links) are blue.  If either are red, then that step has not been completed yet.




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Thank for the reply I have this v3 for a year never had this problem running SD. But today I will try to post a log thank you again.

Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk




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A datalog is FAR more useful than a screenshot. The engine doesn't even have to be running in this particular case, although that would certainly help as well.

From the datalog I could quickly view your other settings as well to see what might be off. I suspect you have not configured the MAP input pin on the ECU Config->Input Pins tab and so the ECU is not *really* in SD mode yet. You can tell if it's really in SD mode by looking at your SD VE tab and confirming that the two "links" (Edit MAP input pin and the Edit MAF Comp links) are blue. If either are red, then that step has not been completed yet.

I send you a log threw email did you received it.

Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk

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