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GT3582 + External Waste Gate + V-Band Dump Pipe

- - - - - VR4 evo

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I've downsized the turbo on the 2.0L VR4 so am selling this setup as a complete package for $600 ono + postage:


Turbo (~6,000kms):

- GT3582 with anti-surge 4" intake A/R70 compressor cover

- 6+6-blade compressor wheel

- Aerodynamic compressor wheel nose cone

- T3 turbine inlet, 0.63 A/R housing with 5-bolt dump

- 12-blade turbine wheel

- oil cooled

- ball bearing


Waste Gate:

- 35mm external waste gate (unsure of spring pressure as it was running 20PSI on an EBC) - blue


Dump Pipe:

- 3" turbo back

- 5-bolt flange from turbo

- V-band connection to exhaust system

- fibreglass heat wrapped with stainless steel bands

- O2 sensor bung

- 35mm waste gate mounting point



Complete photo album is here: http://s1290.photobu...d dump for sale



Edited by micky_vr4, 05 April 2016 - 11:18 AM.

J-spec white RS-Evolution GVR4 - soon to move for the first time in 2 years  :thumbsup: 

A-spec maroon GVR4

A-spec silver GVR4 - sold and racing!!!



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Open to offers...

J-spec white RS-Evolution GVR4 - soon to move for the first time in 2 years  :thumbsup: 

A-spec maroon GVR4

A-spec silver GVR4 - sold and racing!!!




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Hey mate will u take 500

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: VR4, evo

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