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Custom braided line

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I've got an oil return line but its too long. 


Does anyone know any shops that can modified this? 

1991 CB Lancer GSR. Fully restored. Forged vr4 motor. FP Manifold. 20g. 38mm Tial wastegate. 3" Punishment Racing dumpipe. FIC 950cc. Ecmlink.  Koni inserts coilovers. Evo 4 brake setup. Sprint 15' Harts racing. 280 cams. 4g61 inlet. Evo 8 Throttle body. 

1995 SSG RVR
2014 ASX Diesel 4WD




    Wannabe Racer

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Hose Doctor

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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thanks!  :thumbsup:

1991 CB Lancer GSR. Fully restored. Forged vr4 motor. FP Manifold. 20g. 38mm Tial wastegate. 3" Punishment Racing dumpipe. FIC 950cc. Ecmlink.  Koni inserts coilovers. Evo 4 brake setup. Sprint 15' Harts racing. 280 cams. 4g61 inlet. Evo 8 Throttle body. 

1995 SSG RVR
2014 ASX Diesel 4WD


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