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Bullets in the Gun Ute Car and Bike Club

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Hey guys,

Just thought I would advertise here on my Ute, Car, and Bike Club.

Here is the quote off our Facebook page:

Bullets in the Gun Ute Club is a free to everyone club, however any actions or behavior that are likely to bring the club into disrepute will mean members will be removed from the club, and any members wishing to join will have to be approved by an administrator. Club is free to join, any merchandise will be bulk ordered and only enough stock will be ordered as is pre-paid for.

We are a national club, we do not charge, and we are car enthusiasts.

Hoons need not apply.

Some of the things that we have done in the past, or flown our flag at include:
  • Ute Shows and Comps
  • Car Shows and Comps
  • Organised charity convoys to assist in disaster relief or for sick members
  • Helped organise shows
  • Organised "stuff it, lets go out to the national park" drives
  • Organised help for people who need it in a pinch (Car broken down in middle of nowhere and need accomodation, parts, help, etc)
Most of our founding members are country folk, so our attitudes are pretty laid back in an "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" kinda way, we'll go out of our way to help a mate, and at the end of the day, we're in it for the fun.

Most of our members don't get wrapped up around the acles about the whole "I have a ute, you have a rice rocket" type of stuff, we all appreciate how much work goes into building something that is so unique and different that it makes peoples heads turn. It may not be our cup of tea, but we won't toot the horn and start a war over it, either on or off the net.

We are thinking of some time in the future getting a sticker order pushed through, we have a few quotes for windscreen stickers, and a few for logo stickers with the club logo on them.

If you want to join, please, drop on in at our facebook page located at: http://www.facebook....ulletsinthegun/

Please be patient and we will get to your application as soon as is physically possible, we instituted this policy due to the large amount of spammers we had joining our open page. All applications must be approved by a moderator before being accepted, so please, be patient.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Cowboy-skull.jpg

I'm a circle workin', bonnett surfin', tail gaitin', pig chasin', rum skullin', piss cuttin', ute stackin', whip crackin',
have a hoot, lose ya boot, hit the floor, get a score, grab a cup, bundy up, B&S Warrior.

Braydan Dan Moyo is proven stupid and maybe gay




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Speaking of spam...
There wasn't a need to spam every state section with this mate.

Dsmlink V3 + E85 :drool: 11.37 @ 131.46 ... still more in her

Remember Kids... Google does not equal research!

How much time do you spend in a parking lot with your performance car? If you do a lot of parking lot driving, and hang out in parking lots, chances are you are a ricer, go home and read import tuner. If you’re complaining about noise you should not be modifying your car. You should also consider no longer being a man, please hand in your genitals at the door.



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Let me start by saying i own an SS Commodore ute, and a 4g63 Lancer...

So: from the look of your facebook page, it seems like a bunch of rurals getting together to measure the size of your aerials.
What does that have to do with a 4g club?.. when i say 4g i mean primarily 4 cyl petrol engines, usually in mitusbishi's, not utes with more stickers than paint, or more aerials than a cop trying to find alien frequencies.

infact, can you explain the aerial thing? What exactly do they accomplish?



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It's for all walks of life, just we started out as a Ute club, so primarily our members are ute owners, and as I was the founder and I shared the page, most of my mates being ute owners, joined up, didn't really get out of my circle much.

With the aerials, I have:
  • 1x6.5db 7ft Bullbar UHF Hooked up to a UHF
  • 1. 6.5db 7ft Bullbar UHF Hooked to UHF Scanner (Coppers anyone??)
  • 1xStero Aerial on Mirror hooked to cabin Stero
  • 1xStero Aerial hooked to Jack in tray for campfire stero
  • 1xVHF Rollbar aerial hooked to VHF
  • 1xVLF Rollbar Aerial hooked to VLF
  • 1xLow Gain (3db I think) Rollbar Aerial that can be hooked to in-cab UHF
  • 1xUHF TV Antenna for TV in my Tray when camping
  • Stock Aerial in A Pillar which I have just been too lazy to remove
I mean, all my aerials serve a purpose in one way or another, maybe not all the time, but they are there for a reason.

Some people just use the aerials as a pissing contest (Mine are bigger, or I have more), or get large aluminium pipes made up to fit UHF Aerial Springs, these serve primarily as flagpoles when on road, as the alloy doesn't crack and shatter when at road speed flying flags.

I'm a circle workin', bonnett surfin', tail gaitin', pig chasin', rum skullin', piss cuttin', ute stackin', whip crackin',
have a hoot, lose ya boot, hit the floor, get a score, grab a cup, bundy up, B&S Warrior.

Braydan Dan Moyo is proven stupid and maybe gay



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Gun club lol

Edited by Rockabilly, 22 June 2012 - 06:39 AM.




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2010 Triton GLXR Turbo Diesel & ADM TME Tarmac rally car

If a dog's tail is still wagging, then how can that be rape?



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I'm a circle workin', bonnett surfin', tail gaitin', pig chasin', rum skullin', piss cuttin', ute stackin', whip crackin',
have a hoot, lose ya boot, hit the floor, get a score, grab a cup, bundy up, B&S Warrior.

Braydan Dan Moyo is proven stupid and maybe gay

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