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Member Since 07 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2019 02:12 AM

Aftermarket exhaust manifold

14 December 2018 - 07:40 AM

Hey guys,
I am slowly piecing my car back together after a very long time. I'm looking for people's experiences with aftermarket exhaust manifolds. I am running a Gt3076r on a cheap Chinese manifold, that served it purpose but if course it has cracked. I tried to convince the Fab guy at work to remake it, but he is not entirely sure that he wants to (even with some palm grease) which is fair enough. We help each other out where possible but this is quite the ask. So what I am after is options for t3 flanges manifold with Tial 38mm 2-bolt wastegate. I will Fab up the dump to suit whatever is needed. I have been poking around and the options look to be 6boost or JMF, however they 1k± and then freight on top of that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.