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Member Since 27 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2018 08:45 PM

WTB Mitsubishi Rvr turbo manual

25 February 2018 - 11:39 PM

Hi guys. Looking for an rvr would prefer a hsgr but it's ok if it's not...don't care what the outside looks like. Would prefer 150,000km or less but will entertain more. Must be manual and close to road worthy condition.

Let us know what you have

6 bolt swap into HSGR

22 February 2018 - 12:04 PM

So I found a 6 bolt engine, any ideas on how hard the swap is? Will it bolt up to the gearbox? I'll need another clutch kit... But what about the rest will all sensors and plugs bolt up?

Thoughts on this forged pistons and rod kit?

22 February 2018 - 10:17 AM

Hi guys so I came across this piston and rod kit:


How many psi/ kW do you think this kit could reliably sustain with thengr3076? And would we assume 800cc injectors would be the first to max out?

Rod bearing

19 February 2018 - 05:22 AM

So further investigation has me believing that it's a rod bearing.

Anyone know what the best coarse of action would be hence forth? Pricing?

Anyone got an engine if the case is a rebuild?

Death of the Rvr

18 February 2018 - 12:26 AM

So I had some fun against the misses ss last night and I have a constant rattle in the engine. Below 3k it's barely noticeable but above 3.5k it's loud and fuck.

First reaction is lifters but there's an invoice from the previous owner of "stage 3 lifters" installed 20-30k ago...

It still drives smooth though as soon as I noticed it Ive taken it home to minimise damage...

Hopefully it's not a fucked valve... It sound higher up in the head...