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Member Since 12 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2018 11:25 AM

#341102 White RVR super original

Posted by BenRVR on 23 April 2018 - 07:09 AM

I got one in and done today. Sorry if the pic isn't the best I'm In a rush as I'm heading off tomorrow for work. Will do the other on the weekend when I'm back! Great fit seats are a lil snug if you are bigger than a 36 waist I wouldn't recommend!rsz_img_20180423_165651.jpg

#341100 White RVR super original

Posted by BenRVR on 22 April 2018 - 06:16 AM

So today I modded some Evo 8 recaros to bolt to RVR rails. Here is a pic. I'll take another pic once I get the hardware and they are bolted in. They will also sit a little lower than stock seats.

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#340905 White RVR super original

Posted by BenRVR on 05 April 2018 - 09:20 AM

Thought I would post up my ride to keep me motivated.
I bought this RVR for cheap with multiple maintenance issues.
It came with some nice upgrades and ran sweet so I pulled the trigger.

Mods include:


Td05 16g
Gt pumps mani
Flashed ecu
Evo 560cc injectors
Bigger trans cooler (delete the radiator section)


Pedders springs
New struts
New alit of everything haha
Rda slotted/dimpled
Qfm pads

Evo IX

Broadway mirror
Saas gauges (hate them lol)
Saas steering wheel alacantra

Any questions or comments hit me up!

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#340693 Trucked RVR?

Posted by BenRVR on 18 March 2018 - 09:28 AM

I'm curious as to what an RVR would look like trucked. Feel free to discuss share your thoughts and if someone wants to do a Photoshop feel free.

I'm not looking to do this it's a thought that has crossed my mind.

#339862 Airbag delete

Posted by BenRVR on 04 January 2018 - 06:22 AM

Afternoon gents I have fitted a non airbag wheel to my rvr. I was looking at clearing the SRS light by fitting a 3.3 ohm 0.25watt resistor which seems to be the norm. However after attaching the resistor my airbag light is still on.

I have wired the resistor temporarily between the brown and blue airbag wires as the pic below.

If anyone has done this successfully please comment and let me know what I have done wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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