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Member Since 24 May 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2020 05:37 AM

New to the forum

04 June 2018 - 11:57 AM

Hi everyone.

Thought I would introduce myself to the forum. My name is Peng and live down in Melbourne. I currently own a Coarse Grey CC lancer GSR. It was running a 4G93T but I have decided to ditch and and is in the current process of doing a 4G63 swap out of a RVR Hypersports Gear. It's being a big learning curve understanding these car. Would also like to learn more about these car on the forum as I progress with the mods. Also would like to meet new forum members from Melbourne and across Australia. Wouldn't mind having a meet or cruise with the boys. Here are some photos of my car. 5f9325597582dc427606420e932a6287.jpg4b90b3f68f5a23a5120d86f95ced004d.jpg5bc44bc11803211da1dbf87eb6fefcfc.jpg

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