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Member Since 03 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2019 05:57 AM

In Topic: Steering Rack

18 March 2019 - 06:31 AM

Just chasing some info: I'm looking at getting a new/reco rack for my GSR (CD5A). Are GSR racks unique, or will any rack made for a CC fit? Are the racks the same between the CC and CE lancers? 

In Topic: 1995 aus spec GSR

07 March 2019 - 01:10 AM

Yea, and I think gsr front guards would need to be at least rolled to fit these wheels, depending on your ride height I guess

I’ll get some photos for you

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Thanks. That'd be a big help.

In Topic: 1995 aus spec GSR

05 March 2019 - 11:05 PM

Hi mate, yea fitted them with the 235/45 tyres and never would of been able to drive on them without serious guard work, inner and outer, I had 215/40 tyres fitted and the fronts are fine but the rears I had to pump the guards out a bit (they were previously rolled) and the bumper tabs will need addressing, I just took the bumper off and bent the metal tab away for now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Thanks Ian. You're running evo front these days aren't you?

In Topic: 1995 aus spec GSR

04 March 2019 - 06:49 AM

Hey Ian, have you had a chance to test fit those 17x8's? I'm looking at similar sizes and it'd be a big help if I can get some info off you.

In Topic: 8" wide rim on cc gsr

04 March 2019 - 06:31 AM

Bringing this topic back up.

I have 17 x 8 + 35, Evo 9 Enkies, to put on my Evo very shortly..I will report back once they are on...Im really hoping that they will fit and not scrub with a 215 tyre!


Posting in here 5 1/2 years later because I'm chasing info.....


evo-gsr, did you ever fit these wheels?