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Member Since 06 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2017 01:58 AM

In Topic: 3.545 vr4 gearbox w-Libero diff

26 November 2017 - 06:51 AM

Well its been awhile but i found out a few things. A gsr diff wont fitt and even of you had the casing milled out and got thw diff to fit the axle spline count is different. You can how ever change the 3.545 pinion and crown wheel over to the factory cyborg diff. Whitch is what i did and it works. Then a week later i found a two way lsd from a Libero 😉

In Topic: Head gasket recommendations

13 May 2017 - 09:43 PM

Anyone tried a permaseal graphite gasket?

In Topic: My c83a Cyborg

09 May 2017 - 08:37 AM

So since replacing the gearbox with a vr4 gearbox with a evo 2 gearset and switching to 3.5 ratios i finally found

a rear diff to match, its an open diff but with a crown and pinion from a gsr. That was in the car for about a week and 

Then i found a very rear Libero 2way mechanical diff... 


Anyway i thought i might give my gear linkages a freshen up and i found why the gear stick felt so sloppy..




Whats left of the old bushes.


I got the kit from jnztuning and it worked a treat.


Drove around for about 50ks after having installed everything and then blew the head gasket  <_<  



In Topic: Head gasket recommendations

09 May 2017 - 08:27 AM



Heres my ACL "monotorque" gasket




You can see the blow by marks here..


Well mitsubishi in NZ dont have a 86mm oem gasket and im really struggling to find something similar

In Topic: Head gasket recommendations

08 May 2017 - 08:31 AM

Is a oem mitsubishi head gasket mls? Also when ordering how do i know how to get the right size for my bores? One piston has 0.50 stamped on it or it might be .050 ill have to double check that