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White Knight

White Knight

Member Since 21 May 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2019 11:47 PM

In Topic: Mikes “StormTrooper” RVR HSG

30 May 2019 - 06:38 AM


In Topic: Gearbox headache.

15 May 2019 - 04:47 PM

Great news Ross. I honestly have no idea how you gearbox boys do it. They arena deadset black magic thing to me. ...

In Topic: New to the group - Dave aka Cupsta RVR with CLUTCH gone

28 April 2019 - 12:22 AM

Welcome to the forum Cupsta. Being a "mechanical moron" isn't a good start hey, lol.
However, I would start by looking at whether the slave cylinder or master cylinder are leaking to start with. Have a look at both and you should be able to see evidence of clutch fluid leak spots around the place. Slave cylinder at the front lower part of the gearbox and master cylinder up at the firewall on the drivers side.
Both are pretty damn easy to replace to be truthful. Also check the clutch line for splits at the joins and cracks in the line itself.
Lastly, slap son for driving the RVR in that condition. Dangerous.....

In Topic: Newbie

31 March 2019 - 06:42 AM

Nice work man.

In Topic: My nugget is back and i need help :)

30 March 2019 - 12:33 AM

Oh I forgot to say reasoning with the ECU. HSGR ECU is not tuneable. Later EVO ones are.