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Member Since 29 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2021 02:22 PM

Evo 3 to RVR ECU pinout

30 July 2020 - 08:29 AM

Hey guys, 

I recently just purchased an Evo 3 ecu with ECMlink to put into my 97 hypergear and was curious if the pinout is the same or it is straight plug and play. I had to swap the ECU case as they mount differently but still bolts in and plugs in fine after that so only thing that could trip me up is a different pin out if any. 

Anyone done this or know if they are?

Also have a MAP conversion cable for an earlier model mitsi as my plug is different - smaller than the one supplied. By some miracle is there a known adaptor plug/cable to make this plug and plag or am i splicing plugs? (see pic for comparison)


RVR HSGR Front lip group buy

06 July 2020 - 09:41 AM

Hey guys, 

Ive organized a group buy in a few facebook groups and thought i would chuck it up here if as well if there is any interest to get the prices down. Ive been told these lips are very hard to get and desirable and have decided to pull mine off to get a mould made for those looking for one. 

I have gotten a quote here in Brisbane for 350ea plus post and cost of mould. This is for an innegra infused lip thats blocked and primed out of the mould ready to go by a reputable shop (automotive refinishing and composites). If there is 12 or more orders then that will come down 50 dollars. Post would be determinate of course, and the cost of mould is 600, spread evenly across the orders, so for 12+ lips it would be 350+post. These will be better than the original fiberglass lip due to being woven with innegra, giving it shatter-resistant like qualities and far superior life span over straight fiberglass.

I have the option of a straight fiberglass lip at 50 dollars less without the innegra but i would highly recommend with it for obvious reasons. 

I have capped off the price at 370 plus post if we dont get numbers for the 12+ discount and i will make up the rest to cover the mould to give people a maximum price. 

Please DM me or message me on 0450348842 to express interest/place an order. I will be waiting until the 10th July (4 days from now) to take orders, and placing said order on the 15th for everyone who has paid (ill probably give a couple of days leeway for certain cases)

These can be picked up in Brisbane or i can post at your cost - possibly together if people are willing to group certain major cities together to get price down etc. 

Please let me know asap so i can adjust the prices as necessary for numbers. 



Edit: as a side note these fit directly onto the HSGR bar with no modifications, and can be removed without indication they were installed. They are held on by double sided tape in the middle and 2x screws either end into the side of the bar. They are extremely snug and look factory. The bar i bought the seller thought the lip was sikaflexed on tight and couldnt remove it they are that snug/well fitting.