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True TJ

True TJ

Member Since 19 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2015 10:03 AM

2001 Evo VII

30 October 2014 - 09:56 PM

$17000 ONO make a offer

This is my DAILY driver car, i drive 60km a day and never a issue

Rego just paid for - till end of oct 2015 comes with RWC

running 20PSI

also has Tein Adjustable coilovers

18 inch wheels

recaro seats

Gauges installed above a Kenwood headunit running Rockford fosgate punch speakers

Blitz turbo timer

Black Turbosmart Dualport BOV (with accessories)

Blacked intercooler and piping

aftermarket dump pipe and cat back exhaust

painted front strut brace/pod filter/magnetic sump plug

oil change every 7000km

new battery less then 6 months old

black spoiler insert

electric wing mirrors

HID headlights

Momo Steering wheel


comes with original suspension/airfilter box Tein EDFC (in car electronic dampner controller not wired up)

ayc/acd evo 7

21 June 2014 - 01:05 PM

http://m.youtube.com...=acd noise&sm=3

soooo loud whining/humming coming from the ayc. Ive had to take the relay out so the noise stops, I mean the noise keeps going even when the key isnt even in the car!

anyone got any idea of if its the pump or motor ?or where I can get it looked at or fixed without being charged a shit ton as I have a baby due in about 3 weeks lol....timing right?

video is attached

Evo VII standard 17" wheels+tyres

02 November 2013 - 03:08 AM

standard evo 7 17" wheels plus tyres/ wheel nuts



2x Pirelli p7 - 6mm tread above indicator

2x westlake - 4/5mm tread above indicator

