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Member Since 06 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active May 26 2021 10:12 PM

Timing drift issue

10 April 2018 - 05:48 AM

Hi all,


I had a chance to get the car on the dyno last night and all was going well until unstable timing made it unsafe to continue with the tune.


Upon inspection it was noticed the timing would drift 7 degrees while locked by the ecu, turning on CAS filters made no difference to the drift.


Engine is a vr4 4g63T running the standard optical Cam Angle Sensor. The Haltech Elite 1500 ecu receives both cam and crank trigger signals from the CAS.


I have compiled a list of factors I think could be causing / contributing to the problem, has anyone here had experience with such issues?


- A potential difference noticed by the 3 separate grounds on the ign1a coil packs.

- ignition lead interference, these are custom made MSD Super Conductor leads which run a short length.

- Faulty CAS

- Timing belt oscillations, maybe time for a Crank Angle Trigger.


Thanks in advanced



Classic Japan 2017

11 November 2017 - 12:52 PM

Hey all,

I've booked both my cordias to attend classic japan this year, anyone else plan to be there?
