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old u/s VR4 4g63 block

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hi, as the title states, i'm after a 4G63 VR4 block. Preferably u/s as using for dummying up.

Preferably in bendigo or melbourne



Starion VR4 Derek

Starion VR4 Derek

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Yep got one ... But am in Brisbane,



    Wannabe Racer

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I have a 4G63 NA block with a SOHC head on it, from what I believe is an Express van.


Not a VR4 block but should be identical in almost every way (except for the lack of oil squirters).

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Starion VR4 Derek

Starion VR4 Derek

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I have a 4G63 NA block with a SOHC head on it, from what I believe is an Express van.


Not a VR4 block but should be identical in almost every way (except for the lack of oil squirters).



Not the same,the bellhousing bolt patten is wider.... EG wide block, narrow block... all VR4 blocks are narrow.



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Yep got one ... But am in Brisbane,

thanks, but the transport would make it unviable

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