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Mitsubishi vs ???? Dyno day

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Yeah definitely keen to start doing some more meets once i have my car back im super keen for a drag day and ill prob come hangout for the dyno day. Lets get some more 4g back on the scene.

White Knight

White Knight

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Ahmen to that! If only a QLD meet was taken charge of.....



    Gday maaaate

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We should try and SYNC the rest of the nation.

Every state to do the same type of event within the same week or month.


I'm sure we could give it a go!

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Why Heathcote? That is a long way to drive and race without a tow. Personally I wouldn't do that again, would go to Calder.

The last two times I was at Calder I only got 3 runs each, that's $25 per run, waste of money.

Heathcote is mostly empty, better for people who want to improve.

----|VR4 4G63 RS|MicroTech lt8s|TD0625g|Ported & Polished Head|HKS Front Mount|3" Exhaust|----
|Coilovers|Swaybars|VR-4 2pot Calipers|TP rears|Evo3 Master/Booster|Evo 3 front bar|Side Skirts|Rear Lip|



    Gday maaaate

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Hey Guys, who's car will be running in May??

Dyno day??




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I have 4 cars to choose from a the moment


evo II

GSR 4g63


Verada for giggles as its got 460k on the clock 



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Run em all trav
GSR Lancer- JE-73-VO, 11.701@125mph, 1.79 60" and getting faster. No:3 conrod now orbiting the moon.




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I can only drive one , keen on the Verada ...lol



    Gday maaaate

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Hey Guys,


I'm going to set a date for a Dyno day.


How does the month of September sound?


Followed by Drags at either Calder or Heathcote for November?


I'm giving it some time to allow the cars that are not currently running to have a goal to get things sorted.



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Yeah mate sounds good lets concrete some dates. Think id prefer heathcote as already stated i only got 3 runs at calder last time they dont have a limit for entries its too crowded



    Gday maaaate

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Heathcote is usually preferred. I'll pin point some dates and get names locked in!

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