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shannon auto spectacular 14th april

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  • LocationGold Coast
Shannons Queensland Autospectacular


Gates open to entrants - 6.00 a.m.

Gates open to PUBLIC - 7.00 a.m.

Presentation of trophies - 2.00 p.m.

Entry fees to enjoy a fun filled day are as follows:

General entry
$10 per person for everyone, children under 14 free

Swap Sites
Site free plus $10 per person for each driver and passenger

Judging Cars and Utes
$10 per car plus $10 per person for each driver and passenger

Display Cars and Utes
$5 per car plus $10 per person for each driver and passenger

Judging Bikes
$5 per bike plus $10 per person for each rider and passenger

Display Bikes
Free plus $10 per person for each rider and passenger

Car Sales Corral
$5 per vehicle plus $10 per person for each driver and passenger

Test ‘n’ Tune-
Only open to judge car or bike and display car or bike entrants
Judge or display fee as per above plus $20 Test’n’Tune fee

Club Car Display
Judge or display fee as per above
No additional fees for club area

Rocker Cover Racing-
Free plus entry fees as per above

i know I'm going

yes it's me KHUBNER



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hey im a new member (just in case the 1 post count didnt give it away) be sure to come over to the fusion/bass battle area an say hi. i will be there in my green rvr that im picking up tomorrow





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  • LocationGold Coast
well was a good day weather held up. i only ran the strip once had a noise that sounded and felt suspiciously like a knock but it went away on the trip home so i'm thinking a bearing in the alternator.

my time sheet
r/t .603
60' 2.293
330 6.418
1/8 9.722
mph 74.70
km/h 120.23
1000 12.515

1/4 14.886 (i'm stoked that i ran a 14 with more left in it)
MPH 95.60
km/h 153.85

had a missfire thanks to a dodgey power tr unit/plug so lost power at the top of each gear
and the launch wasn't the best so get these sorted and should see that time drop to mid to low 14's even high 13

yes it's me KHUBNER

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