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User Reputation System

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    Bird Nerd

  • Administrators
  • 8,319 posts
  • LocationMelbourne
To all 4Gtuners

We have just switched on the User reputation system.

Some of you will noticed this already.

In simple terms, positive and negative reputation points can be awarded by any user to any user. You will notice a link under every user's avatar whenever a post is made, labelled Rep!. If you click on this link you will be able to leave positive or negative reputation points, and a short message. Each time a user is given some rep, positive or negative, this equates to 10 total points in the system.

Again under each users avatar is also a small square icon, which will show up as red if a user is has a negative reputation, or green if the user has a positive reputation. If you hover your mouse pointer over this icon, the reputaion status of that user will be displayed. The reputation ladder is as follows -

-100 - User should be ashamed of themselves
-50 - User is an oil stain on the underpants of a 4G :-/
-10 - User has conducted themselves questionably in the past
0 - User has no reputation as yet!
+10 - User is on a distinguished road
+20 - User will become famous soon enough
+40 - User is unbelievabubble
+80 - User is cleaning up the reputation stakes nicely!
+150 - User is loved by the greater 4G community
+300 - User is a 4GTuner to look up to!
+500 - User is famous for their knowledge, helpfulness and friendliness
+1000 - User is almost at the top of the positive Rep standings!
+1500 - User is bound for 4GTuner stardom!
+2000 - User has reached an unsurpassable reputation level

Basically, if you come across a post by a fellow member that is helpful or constructive, this is when positive reputation points can be awarded by you. Conversely, if you come across a post that is derogatory, not helpful or counter constructive, this is where negative reputation points can be awarded.

If you find yourself in the negatives, any user can work themselves back into the positives i.e. theres no chance of anyone gaining and keeping negative reputation if you are abiding by forum rules, being helpful, and contirbuting to the forum constructively!

This has been implemented to encourage a helpful and constructive general attitude in all users, and hopefully discourage people from posting irellevant, distasteful and insulting comments to other users.

Comments left by other members can be seen by the person who is on the receiving end, in your userCP main page.
Please note that as all comments and use of this system can be tracked, ANY ABUSE of the system will result in the same consequences to breeching existing forum rules ie. warnings and bannings (after repeat offences).


4GTuner Administration Team

Edited by GSRSOL, 14 January 2010 - 12:08 AM.

Dan | Melbourne | 1994 CD5A / CE9A / E39A bastard child
special thanks to - TRIKFAB | Tropic Motors | Springy Motors

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